Apologies for the Unannounced Hiatus

Hey! This is an apology post for the extreme delay in new Panda Boi pages. My plan was to get back to drawing new pages last month and I did get a couple of them done before I was hit with other stuff I needed to do. Also, for the past month I haven’t had the energy to draw new pages in addition to some unfortunately miserable stuff going on in my private life.

That doesn’t excuse the fact that I didn’t announce the comic was going to be on a break. Sadly, I can’t guarantee when the new pages will be up but the Murron surrogacy story arc is definitely still happening.

If I can’t get new pages out by the end of the month, I think I’ll just scan and edit the few that are done and post them here so that there will be some new content in May; hopefully by the summer months the comic will be back in full swing.

Until then, have a gay old time…

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